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hi, i'm caitlyn


I have always been athletic, but I struggled with my body image, binge eating, and yo-yo dieting for years. I tried the South Beach Diet, counting calories aiming for 1200 per day, and even did burpees each time I ate to “burn it off”. Even after I became a dietitian, I struggled with putting myself first, managing stress, and used food to cope.

I would eat chips & salsa or chocolate until I felt miserable. It wasn't until I started putting myself first, investing in myself, focusing more on health than diets, and including all the foods I loved that I have had a body I love for the longest I can ever remember, and still eat foods like chips and chocolate on the regular.

I live in Michigan with my husband and dogs, Blue & Marley, whom we are obsessed with.
I love weight lifting, volleyball, running, getting outside whenever I can, reading, watching baking
shows even though I don't really bake, and relaxing at home.


client wins

"Caitlyn, I really am so thankful to you. You have literally changed my life. I honestly never thought I would lose weight like this EVER! If I tried doing this on my own it would've been a train wreck, and I would've started and stopped 4 times by now. I can't express how appreciative I am to you for what you've done for me. You've given me this whole new relationship with food, and I not only feel great about the food I eat, but I can honestly say I feel great about myself. This has been a dream come true."

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